Size shown is after laundering. All sizes are approximate as shrinkage is rarely uniform (right guys?).
Cotton shrinks. It's a fact of life.
Shrinkage varies. It depends on your laundering equipment and methods. The higher the heat in the wash/dry process, the more severe the shrinkage.
Just like teenagers, cotton shrinkage can't be uniformly controlled. After laundering, you might find it shrinks more on one side than another. We call that character.
The good news? They better with age, like me. New products are stiffer and less absorbent than the same product after having been laundered many times. Some of the shrinkage might go away too. Bonus!
Wipe down tables and counters with a little pizazz. A little color kapow! Customers aren't exactly impressed when you wipe down their table with a dingy white rag. But clean that same table with some color and those customers will stand up and yell "Yes, that's it! I'm impressed!!"
These towels look pretty and work hard (like us!). They'll soak up spilled drinks with the best and look sharp doing it. Just enough texture to scrub away those dried blotches (I don't want to know what those are).
We didn't prewash these towels. We saw your cocktail jiggling and thought - "what's the point"?
We do have Prewashed Terry Bar Towels, if you really want some.
No residential deliveries. You'll need a way to get a 800+ lb. pallet off a truck/semi that doesn't have a lift gate.
New first quality 100% cotton full terry bar towels/rags. Popular and economical cleaning towels/rags. Great for color coding departments.
Made in Pakistan